Sackville Snow Drifters Inc. was founded in 1992 when a small group of local snowmobile enthusiasts decided that a safe, organized trail system in this area was long past due. Total membership at the first meeting night was only fourteen, but this energetic core group soon attracted many more people as the huge job of clearing trails and building bridges began in earnest. By the end of the l992 snowmobile season the club membership had reached thirty-one and the seed for future growth had been planted.

Following formal incorporation in 1993, the Club developed a constitution and bylaws, and elected it's first executive consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and five Directors. The Club soon realized that in order to grow, and in fact even to survive, it was essential that a trail groomer be purchased to groom the 40 kilometers of newly developed trail. In a demonstration of their resolve to move forward, 5 members of the executive personally guaranteed $5,000.00 each for a bank loan to purchase a 1972 Tucker Sno-Cat trail groomer. The confidence demonstrated by these individuals created the solid foundation that the Club now stands on. Through various fund raising projects, the groomer was paid off in three years.

By l995, the Club membership had grown to over 130 and the trail system had grown to over 120 kilometers. It became clear that the trusty old Tucker would struggle to groom the growing trail system, particularly when the membership was growing exponentially. More frequent grooming became necessary due to the ever-increasing traffic. In a special meeting called in the fall of l996, the club voted to purchase a two year old, modern Sno-Cat to replace the aging Tucker. A new drag was build by one of the members to complement the new groomer and the Club was now equipped to satisfy the demands of the membership, which had now swollen to 175.

In 1997, the Club continued to look to the future and entered into a cost sharing agreement with the Sackville Golf and Country Club to take over the Golf Clubhouse from the lst of November until the 30th of April each year. All meetings, special events and weekend activities centered on this location.

Despite poor snow conditions for the l997 to 2000 seasons, the Sackville Snow Drifters continued to prosper. The Club membership had grown to almost 200 by the end of the 2000 season and the Sackville trail system was second to none in the province.

A strong supporter of the NBFSC since it's inception, the Snow Drifters unanimously endorsed the Federation in its move to create a mandatory trail pass system province-wide. The Sackville Club was also firm in its resolve to keep its trail system snowmobile-only.

In 2002, the Club assumed responsibility for the trail system formerly developed by the Port Elgin based Winter Wanderers Snowmobile Club, and is now grooming almost twice the distance that it had previously. If the Club were to continue to grow, it was essential that the existing trail system be expanded to connect with neighboring clubs in Nova Scotia and PEI. The impact of this inter-provincial trail tie-in should be far-reaching for winter tourism in all three provinces, as long-distance snowmobile adventure touring is increasing in popularity every year.

In 2003 the Snow Drifters committed again to improve its service to the membership and purchased a 2000 Tucker Snow Cat groomer that was more powerful, reliable and better able to tackle the more extensive trail system. In 2003 the Club also suspended operations at its underutilized clubhouse to focus its efforts on the trail system. With improved shelters and a well-developed trail system, the Sackville Snow Drifters enjoy some of the best snowmobiling in New Brunswick.